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Die Top-Fonds von Credit Suisse Fund Management S.A.

Wertentwicklung in EUR
Vgl Name ETF Kaufen Monat 6 Monate Jahr 3 Jahre 5 Jahre 10 Jahre WKNR
Vgl Name ETF Kaufen Monat 6 Monate Jahr 3 Jahre 5 Jahre 10 Jahre WKNR
Hinweis: Die Wertentwicklung des Fonds wird in EUR berechnet als reine Kursentwicklung. Stand: 28.09.2024

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3 Jahre
UBS (Lux) Global Quality Dividend Equity Fund B USD 33,64%
Partners Group Listed Investments SICAV - Listed Private Equity - EUR (P - Acc.) 24,25%
PPF - LPActive Value Fund CHF 20,59%
UBS (Lux) Commodity Index Plus USD Fund B USD 15,34%
UBS (Lux) CommodityAllocation Fund B USD 14,24%
Credit Suisse (Lux) Corporate Short Duration CHF Bond Fund B CHF 13,77%
Credit Suisse Investment Partners (Lux) Global Investment Grade Convertible Bond Fund B USD 13,63%
UBS (Lux) Security Equity Fund B USD 13,23%
UBS (Lux) Security Equity Fund A USD 13,21%
UBS (Lux) Security Equity Fund A EUR 13,05%
Credit Suisse (Lux) Corporate Short Duration CHF Bond Fund A CHF 12,68%
UBS (Lux) Global High Yield Bond Fund BH CHF 11,74%
Partners Group Listed Investments SICAV - Listed Infrastructure - EUR (P - Acc.) 11,28%
PPF - LPActive Value Fund EUR 11,10%
Credit Suisse (Lux) Swiss Franc Bond Fund B CHF 10,57%
Credit Suisse (Lux) Swiss Franc Bond Fund A CHF 10,57%
UBS (Lux) Infrastructure Equity Fund B USD 10,37%
UBS (Lux) Systematic Index Fund Yield CHF B CHF 10,16%
UBS (Lux) Security Equity Fund BH CHF 9,48%
Credit Suisse (Lux) Corporate Short Duration USD Bond Fund A USD 3,41%
UBS (Lux) Commodity Index Plus USD Fund BH EUR 3,17%
UBS (Lux) CommodityAllocation Fund BH EUR 2,06%
PPF - LPActive Value Fund EUR A 1,81%
Credit Suisse Investment Partners (Lux) Global Investment Grade Convertible Bond Fund BH EUR 1,59%
CS(Lux)Global High Income Fd.A EUR 0,90%
Credit Suisse(Lux)China RMB Cr.B.F.B 0,83%
Credit Suisse Investment Partners (Lux) Global Balanced Convertible Bond Fund B USD 0,30%
UBS (Lux) Energy Evolution Equity Fund B USD 0,00%
Partners Group Listed Investments SICAV - Listed Infrastructure - EUR (P - Dist.) -0,03%
UBS (Lux) Security Equity Fund BH EUR -0,78%
UBS (Lux) Security Equity Fund AH EUR -0,78%
Credit Suisse Investment Partners (Lux) Global Balanced Convertible Bond Fund BH CHF -1,78%
UBS (Lux) Infrastructure Equity Fund BH EUR -3,16%
Credit Suisse (Lux) Corporate Short Duration EUR Bond Fund A EUR -3,40%
Credit Suisse (Lux) Emerging Market Corporate Investment Grade Bond Fund BH CHF -3,44%
UBS (Lux) AI and Robotics Equity Fund B USD -5,90%
UBS (Lux) AI and Robotics Equity Fund A USD -5,90%
UBS (Lux) European Entrepreneur Equity Fund B EUR -5,94%
UBS (Lux) AI and Robotics Equity Fund A EUR -6,04%
Credit Suisse (Lux) Emerging Market Corporate Bond Fund B USD -8,07%
Credit Suisse (Lux) Global Value Bond Fund AH EUR -9,77%
Credit Suisse (Lux) Global High Income Fund USD AH EUR -10,14%
Credit Suisse Investment Partners (Lux) Global Balanced Convertible Bond Fund BH EUR -10,53%
UBS (Lux) Climate Solutions Equity Fund B USD -15,34%
Credit Suisse (Lux) Asia Corporate Bond Fund BH EUR -17,74%
UBS (Lux) AI and Robotics Equity Fund AH EUR -17,90%
UBS (Lux) AI and Robotics Equity Fund BH EUR -17,91%
Credit Suisse (Lux) Emerging Market Corporate Bond Fund BH EUR -17,93%
UBS (Lux) Germany Small and Mid Cap Equity Fund B EUR -25,35%
UBS (Lux) Climate Solutions Equity Fund BH EUR -26,19%
Credit Suisse (Lux) Asia Corporate Bond Fund AH EUR -26,42%
UBS (Lux) Digital Health Equity Fund B USD -40,01%
UBS (Lux) Digital Health Equity Fund A EUR -40,09%
UBS (Lux) Digital Health Equity Fund BH EUR -47,73%

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Credit Suisse Fund Management S.A.
Rue Jean Monnet 5
L-2180  Luxemburg
+352 / 4 36 16-11
+352 / 4 36 16-1555

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